Monday December 13
Being an authentic Christian.
  • Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17
  • Psalm 25:4-9
  • Matthew 21:23-27

In today’s Gospel reading the Pharisees demanded to know where Jesus got his authority from. If Jesus said his authority came from God, they would accuse him of blasphemy. If he said that he was acting on his own authority, the crowds would be convinced that the Pharisees had the greater authority. But Jesus answered them with a seemingly unrelated question that exposed their real motives. They did not really want an answer to their question; they only wanted to trap him. Jesus showed that the Pharisees wanted the truth only if it supported their own views and causes. As I went into prayer, I was a little concerned about some work I had to do with house maintenance. But Jesus helped me in taking the right decisions. I realized that Jesus is more interested in our inner motives, than our external displays and masks. Since he can see through our hearts, it is no use trying to hide anything from him.

Prayer: Abba Father, may I be authentic in your sight. Amen.

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