Sunday 14th April 2024
Do I recognise Jesus in my daily living?
  • Acts 3:13-15, 17-19
  • Psalm 4:2,4,7-9
  • 1 John 2:1-5
  • Luke 24:35-48

Today’s readings encourage us to truly believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and to accept his love and forgiveness. Jesus who had no sin became sin for the entire human race, he accepted death on a cross out of pure love for us so that we may be saved. We are called to repent and keep his commandments.

In the Gospel proclamation, we see the two disciples on the road to Emmaus talking about the events that had happened and drowning in sorrow in what had taken place that they failed to realise that the person whom they were sharing this information with, was the risen Lord himself. The disciples were so caught up in the present situation that they failed to recognise the risen Lord.

As I reflect on my life, I see myself as one of these two disciples. Many times, I get lost in the present circumstances of life, often complaining and being anxious that I fail to seek God’s help or hold on to his promises. My present circumstance becomes my reality, so caught up and lost in the present moment that I fail to recognise or see the hand of the Lord in my life. I fail to remember the past situations in my life where God has been faithful, the countless times God has come through for me with the perfect solution beyond my understanding.

As it says in Jeremiah 29:11 – “I have the perfect plan for your life, plan to prosper you and not to harm you”. I was reminded of the time I was seeking employment and all I could hear was the negative vibe around me saying this is the most difficult time to find a job and its pointless having any hope or wasting time applying for jobs.

As I was caught up in this negativity, I sat to prayer and when I opened up my bible the verse I received was Jeremiah 29:11 and this was more than enough, the assurance from my heavenly Father that he has the perfect plan for my future.

As I held onto his word daily, before long God had the perfect job laid out for me, a job I never dreamt I could get. Today, it has been 5 years, and I am still working for the same employer because of God’s faithfulness. As we journey through life, God calls us to sit at his feet, seek his heart and will and to recognise his presence. He calls us to enjoy life, to be at peace and to rest as we place our cares and worries at his feet.

PRAYER: Abba Father, help us to seek your will and to recognise your presence at every moment of our life. Amen.

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