Thursday November 5
Our God who saves
  • Daniel 6:12-28
  • Daniel 3:68-74
  • Luke 21:20-28

In the First Reading, the declaration that King Darius makes is true not only for today but for all eternity. The God who saved Daniel from the den of lions, still delivers and saves His people even today. Maybe today, our den of lions is a representation of the circumstances we are placed in. Do we allow them to devour us or do we cling on to God as our Saviour in the midst of the most tragic circumstances? In the Gospel Proclamation, we are given a vivid description of the end times. However, it sounds familiar to what have faced, in the midst of the Global Pandemic, when we are in lockdown and not able to enter into other cities or travel to other countries. In the midst of this, we are given a glimpse of hope. Even though, it may seem like our situations are hopeless like the lion’s den and the description of the end times, the Lord Jesus is showing us that it has only just started. We are called to live the Gospel, stand erect and raise our heads and gaze to Heaven.

Prayer: Abba Father, let your light shine in the darkness of our hearts today. Amen

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