Wednesday June 9
The Lord came to this world to fulfill the Law
  • 2 Cor 3: 4-11
  • Ps 99: 5-9
  • Math 5: 17-19

As explained by science every planet has a life span & it dies one day, so it is with our very own lives, leaving behind everything material here on earth on our last day. We live in a wounded world. We ourselves are broken. Facing compromising situations, selfish ambitions motivated, we feed our flesh (body & mind) at an unconscious level and damage ourselves further. We head in a direction where priority is given to ourselves. “Me, myself, I, instead of we, us & ourselves.”

In our human nature we forget the fact that I, ‘myself is connected to by the Lord to others. We relate to our brothers and sisters in spirit. In Ephesians 1:5, St. Paul reminds us that God destined us for adoption as His children through Jesus Christ, and that was His pleasure.

The answer to this issue lies within the readings today. St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians reminds us that through His death and resurrection the Lord Jesus together with the Abba Father and the Holy Spirit has opened the door which was shut to us. Once again, we are opened to His ministry in the life-giving Spirit.

The law written on stone gives us a base and a foundation but without the Spirit it would mean nothing. Fulfilling a written law would be a mere meaningless obligation without power. We could fall out of it one way or the other. But every commandment in the law ignited by the power of the Holy Spirit could create a great ignition within our- selves and others around. It would even impact the environment we live in. We receive hope and meaning in obeying the Father through His Son in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The greatest gift we have received is the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Lord in His own words said that He did not come to demolish the law but to fulfill it. He has kept His promise until the very end of time by sending His very own Spirit into this world.

Prayer: Abba Father open up our hearts to receive your word and empower us with your Holy Spirit to fulfil its purpose in our lives. Amen

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