Wednesday March 24
The Truth will make us Free
  • Dan 3: 14-20, 91-95
  • Dn 3: 52-56
  • John 8: 31-42

Do you know the joy and freedom of submission to God and his word? Freedom today usually means “freedom to do as I please”. This notion of freedom, however, is a mask for servitude to one’s passions and to the power of sin. Our Lord Jesus offers his disciples true freedom — freedom from the slavery of fear, the slavery of selfishness, freedom from the fear of what others might think or say about us, and freedom from hurtful desires and the power of sin.

The good news of the gospel is that Jesus has set us free from the power of sin. How is this possible? Through the power of his Holy Spirit we can choose to walk in his way of love and holiness. A disciple is a follower and a listener. If we listen to the words of Jesus, with a humble and teachable spirit, he will give us the grace and the power to follow in his way of holiness. Ask the Lord to open your ears to his word that you may hear his voice.
Jesus came to do the will of his Father. He was not spared the cross which he willingly embraced for our sake. His obedience reversed the curse of Adam’s disobedience. The Father crowned him with victory over sin, death, and Satan. Jesus shows us the way to true freedom and victory–freely submitting our heart, mind, and will to an all-merciful, all-loving, and all-wise God. What the Father offers us is a kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom.14:17). The happiest, freest people are those who delight in God. Their joy is the pleasure of doing the Father’s will. What is so important about the word? Why the emphasis over and over again? Does Jesus mean literally words? Or what they represent? How do you remain IN the word? You remain in the word by following the teachings of Jesus and by living according to his word. That is how to remain in the word. If you do this the truth will be revealed to you and eventually you will be freed from the sins that enslaved your body and your mind. This is true freedom.One thing in this life is important: To live the word. Everything else is secondary and once you begin to live the word everything else falls into place. The word truly frees. In it we can find salvation.

Prayer: Abba Father, in your great love & mercy give us the grace to gaze upon your son hung on the cross and seek your mercy. Amen!

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