Saturday October 23
Freedom from guilt

For years I battled with guilt and condemnation. I encountered God 17 years ago, yet often I fell into despair when my mind would drift into my past. The guilt complex at times ran into things I’d do for God. I’d find something that wasn’t quite right and condemn myself into despair and lose joy and peace even in serving God. I was desperate to find freedom in this place. Scripture tells us that the Messiah who was to come would bear much fruit, because the ‘Spirit of the Lord’ would rest on him (Isaiah 11:1). It was this Spirit that would empower Jesus to live a victorious life, one void of despair, condemnation or guilt. That same Spirit lives in us and as we believe and declare this we find freedom. Saint Paul says that through baptism we became partakers of that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. There is no Condemnation for those of us in Christ. What was impossible once becomes possible under His grace and might.

Prayer: Abba Father, free me from condemnation and guilt and fill me with Your Spirit – Amen.

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