Thursday May 12
Be Jesus to Judas.
  • Acts 13:13-25
  • Psalm 89:2-3,21-22,25,27
  • John 13:16-20

God has been faithful to His people over all generations and appointed sinful, broken, weak and talentless people who repented and were surrendered to God upon their calling. Jesus chose twelve disciples and Judas betrayed Him. Jesus knew what Judas was going to do but loved him to the end. Judas was welcomed by Jesus. He ate and drank of the same cup as Jesus, witnessed miracles and listened to the Word and was in close communion and conversed with Him. Yet he gave into sin and betrayed his Master. We have people in our lives who are close to us and whom we trust – friends, relatives, spouse, children, parents, neighbors, community members, parishioners, colleagues – who could betray us for various reasons, but our call is to walk in forgiveness, patience, kindness, compassion and love just like Jesus. We should not destroy their names, or become obsessed with taking revenge. We may have many reasons to be angry but let us forgive as we have been forgiven by the infinite mercy of Jesus.

Prayer: Abba Father, grant me the grace to receive you by serving the people in my life. Amen.

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