Wednesday August 2
Are we willing to do hard things?
  • Exodus 34:29-35
  • Psalm 99:5-7,9
  • Matthew 13:44-46

The Gospel proclamation reveals to us that it is those who seek, that will find the kingdom of God. We are on a journey in our relationship with God to seek and enter the kingdom. But it is the next step which is far more challenging than finding it. This is to own what we find. How often have we had a spiritual experience, a healing or a miracle (finding the treasure) but have not fully owned or grown deeper into the mystery of that experience. It is like finding treasure and taking a selfie and walking away. Are we willing to let go of what we treasure such as wealth, relationships, knowledge, position and power? Both merchant and the treasure seeker sold all they had to acquire what they found. This requires trust to endure criticism, to suffer and to go out of our comfort zones. Moses found the treasure when he encountered God at the burning bush and followed his commands and grew deeper in his relationship with him. Today is an invitation to let go and let God. So that God makes us the treasure that radiates his glory to the world.

Prayer: Abba Father, give us the grace to seek you and to surrender our lives in trust. Amen.

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