Thursday JANUARY 25
Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle
Blindfold of lies
  • Acts 22:3-16
  • Psalm 117:1-2
  • Mark 16:15-18

A religious brother told me of a community priest who has a remarkable ability of pointing to North even when he is blind folded and spun around a few times. He is so in tune with the sense of direction that nothing can misguide him. If we are not in tune with our sense of direction, imagine finding the true North when blind folded, spun around, and many misguiding in different directions.

Paul was convinced of his true north and sense of direction. He gave his heart to the Lord who took his blindfolds down and revealed himself. Once he saw the true light there was no stopping him. Do we follow blindfolded sometimes? Convinced that what we know and believe is true? Like Saul do we persecute others blindly? Saul once he realized the truth acknowledged his misdirection, repented and went on to spread the Good News. A persecutor was transformed to a great propagator of Christianity. Let us be open to accept the truth, instead of defensively holding onto our misguided notions.

Abba Father, reveal to me the truth about my convictions, help me to seek you and encounter you. Amen.

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