Thursday March 23
Jesus above all else
  • Exodus 32:7-14
  • Psalm 106:19-23
  • John 5:31-47

“I came in the name of my Father, but you do not accept me; yet if another comes in his own name, you will accept him” John 5:43. The Gospel describes our vulnerability as human beings in maintaining a divine relationship. It is a constant battle between the materialistic world and heavenly realm. It can come in the form of choosing between a Holy Mass and a weekend party that we are invited to attend; fasting on a Friday during Lent or choosing to drink a glass of wine; choosing to lie instead of facing the consequences of speaking the truth. The list goes on and Jesus reminds us of the importance of making him the priority of our lives. We should not accept material value over heavenly treasures, instead we are to choose life over death. Yet the choice is ours. We may fail and fall in endeavouring to be what he wants us to become. Let us persist in our desire to be stronger in our relationship with him. Let us identify the opportunities we have within us to draw closer to God and give Jesus the first place in our lives.

Prayer: Abba Father, may we keep our focus only on Jesus. Amen.

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