Thursday JANUARY 11
First Week in Ordinary Time
Seek the living God
  • 1 Samuel 4:1-11
  • Psalm 44:10-11,14-15,24-25
  • Mark 1:40-45

The Israelites looked to the Ark to save them instead of seeking the Lord’s will. God did not feel obliged to bless the Israelites just because they took the Ark into battle. He would not allow his arm to be twisted by the superstitions of the Israelites. God is a person, not a genie to be summoned at human will. Not only did Israel lose, they lost far worse than they did before taking the ark into battle. The loss which prompted them to take the ark resulted in the death of about four thousand Israelite men. With the ark, more than seven times as many were killed. The ark of God was captured: which was worse than just losing a battle. The symbol they thought would win the battle was captured. Israel made a sacred symbol of the ark. We too cling onto symbols, and God will take them away. Let us examine our hearts, to check what idols we are holding onto? Do we trust these idols to give us security and satisfaction? Let us repent for such moments, and seek the living God, instead of idols.

Abba Father, I repent for the times that I trusted in idols, may I seek and trust you alone. Amen.

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