Monday August 30
Close to God
  • 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18
  • Psalm 96: 1-13
  • Luke 4: 16-30

We see in amazement Abraham’s close association with the Lord. So close that the Lord reveals what He is about to do in Sodom and Gomorrah. The nations of the earth are going to find blessing through Abraham, due to his fellowship with the Lord. Even his posterity would find purpose in becoming the Lord’s disciples. We too are offered divine partnership with the Lord, as He walks with us too in this journey of life. Abraham intercedes for Sodom. Contrary to what some feel of the Old Testament, we see a strong thrust towards mercy and compassion being played out between Abraham and the Lord. Here lies a challenge to us Christians , as followers of the Lord, becoming involved in manifesting mercy and compassion. We need to step out into a world which is crying for it. Too long have we been sugar coating faith to stem the flow of people loosing faith to no avail. The time has come to challenge ourselves to become like Mother Theresa or Nelson Mandela.

Prayer: Abba Father live in me so that the world would see you living in me. Amen

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