Thursday JANUARY 04
Weekday of Christmas Time
Seekers together, dwelling with God
  • 1 John 3:7-10
  • Psalm 98:1,7-9
  • John 1:35-42

We may be uncertain of what is ahead. The readings remind us of what or who we are seeking. We are seekers and we may seek a deeper connection with Jesus, who invites us to “Come and see” as he said to his disciples. As we accept Jesus’ invitation, our lives will be changed. When we take the time to dwell in God’s presence, to immerse ourselves in God’s Word, and experience his love and grace, we cannot help but be changed. We trust that the Holy Spirit will show up, and stir us into a deeper faith and understanding. The revelations may be big or small. They may happen quickly, or they may take years to develop. God is working within us. When we earnestly pay attention to that, we will be inspired and transformed by it. We experience the revelation of Jesus as the Messiah. The Gospel proclamation invites us to take part in this wondrous journey: seekers together, dwelling with God. What are we waiting for? Let us not delay, because the Lord says: “Come and see”.

Abba Father, may I be bold in approaching your throne of grace. Amen

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