Tuesday 03rd November
In the world, but not of the world
  • Philippians 2 : 5 - 11
  • Psalm 21 : 26 - 32
  • Luke 14 : 15 - 24

The Lord Jesus took on the nature of a servant. He humbled himself. Often we look to hold on to power and position. If something or someone threatens our position then we hate that person and we want to cut that person out of our lives. Here we read about the Lord Jesus taking on human nature because he loves us with an everlasting love.

In the Gospel proclamation we see how the king sends his servant to invite people to the banquet that he has prepared. This speaks of the situation of our lives. The Lord has come to invite us to the banquet, to the marriage supper of the lamb, but we might miss it because we are so busy with our day to day lives. Each person was saying what they were doing, they were busy doing this thing and that thing, the mundane works of life. This world had become the reality of their lives, this may be the situation of our lives too.

To enter the banquet of God we must receive his servant. Because the invitation came through his servant, but this servant is also the king. The king who took on the form of a servant is inviting us to his banquet.

We can see that those who finally qualified to enter the banquet, were the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame. They were powerless, they had no hope and they needed a savior. Therefore, the Lord Jesus said that it is the sick who need a doctor and not the healthy, it is the sinner who needs a savior and not the righteous.

Let us humble ourselves and accept that we are sinners who need a savior. Many generations have run this age-old race and at the end have found that they have been running in the wrong direction.

The Lord is inviting us through his son who is our servant king to come and feast with him, to live in peace, joy and happiness. Let us accept this invitation by accepting His Son into our hearts for we are in the world, but not of the world.

Prayer: Abba Father, may I be worthy to partake in your heavenly banquet. Amen.

Source : On our Knees publication

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