Saturday 06th March
I run to the Father
  • Micah 7: 14-15, 18-20
  • Ps 103: 1-12
  • Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32

Today’s Gospel proclamation sites the parable of the prodigal and his brother. A great illustration of how God’s love looks like here on earth. While we reflect on it, let us ask ourselves ‘where am I today?’
Am I like the prodigal son? Have I grieved the heart of my Father in my responses toward my loved ones, void of total dependence on God? Has my heart wan- dered towards the ways of this world through the lust of my flesh or the pride of my heart? Have I not denied my flesh or refused to suffer for Christ and followed God in my own terms? In the depths of our sinfulness, as we turn to Him through prayer like the Four steps we are assured of His acceptance and forgiveness, because “Steadfast love surrounds those who trust in the Lord.” (Psalm 32:10).

Perhaps I’ve acted out like the elder son? Being intolerable towards those who did not measure up or entertaining thoughts of anger or jealousy towards those more blessed than myself Have my old fears and insecurities surfaced? If so, like the prodigal son we could run back to the Father receiving unmerited forgiveness and being changed by His love.

In Psalm 103 King David writes, ‘He does not deal with us according to our sins…for as the heavens are high above the earth so great is his steadfast love…He forgives our sins and heals our deceases.’The parable ends with a demonstration of the Father’s love. While the son was still far off, the Father runs to him with love and compassion, embraces and kisses him. The Father’s love was the kind that carried a heart of total acceptance without judgement in welcoming an erring child. A heart that saw the good in him and forgot the past. May we also look at those not measuring up, the Cephas’ and Saul’s in our lives and like the Lord Jesus see a transformed Peter or a Paul in them.As prophet Micah utters, who is like our God who removes our guilt and pardons sin, who does not continue in anger but delights in mercy. He will again have compassion on us.

Prayer: Abba Father, remove in me all that is not of you. I consecrate my heart to the most precious heart of Jesus, through whom my joy and peace is found. Amen

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