Wednesday June 7
In Jesus, is fulness of joy
  • Tobit 3:1-11,16-17
  • Psalm 25:2-9
  • Mark 12:18-27

Life is not about living the way we want, living in luxury with no problems, surrounded by things we want. That is the life many dream of. But the life our Lord is offering us is beyond material pleasures. It is a life surrendered to the will of the Father, a life filled with the Holy Spirit, a life that has a purpose, a life filled with love, peace and joy. This cannot be attained by gratifying the flesh. It is only achievable when we journey with our Lord; when God becomes the center of our lives. I used to try to satisfy my desires. I worked hard to achieve a high position.

But I realized that the harder I worked the more my wants grew. I felt like I was running in the same place. When I encountered the Lord, my achievements did not matter to me. The Lord’s love changed me. I quit the corporate world and became a teacher because of the Lord’s calling. The more I journeyed with the Lord the more I began to have ‘life’; surrendered to his will, full of love, peace and joy. Are we willing to surrender our lives?

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