Monday July 4
Freedom from captivity
  • Hosea 2:16-18, 21-22
  • Psalm 145:2-9
  • Matthew 9:18-26

Today’s first reading says that God led Israel to the desert. He had a plan for his people. He did it to have that long awaited intimate conversation with them. To bind and build a love relationship with them. So, they will be united in love forever. Subsequently, to have that intimate relationship and to bring them out of captivity and to grant them the ultimate gifts of peace and faith. This renewal of intimate relationship brought about the gift of faith and elevated them into a place, where, even when loved ones died, they were brought back to life. Even if we stand unworthy we still can touch his cloak and be healed. Thus, today we might be in that desert, in that hopeless place, but God says, I shall give you faith. He will speak to us tenderly and we will hear his voice in that secret place. He will thereby renew our relationship. He will transform our valleys into highways. He will embrace us as his spouse. Today God is inviting us to praise his mighty name since he has a perfect plan for our lives.

Prayer: Abba Father, may I grow in my relationship with you. Amen.

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