Friday December 22
Third Week of Advent
A heart of thanksgiving
  • 1 Samuel 1:24-28
  • 1 Samuel 2:1,4-8
  • Luke 1:46-56

In today’s readings, we meet two women from different eras, praising God for the wonders he has done in their lives: Hannah, giving thanks for an answered prayer, and Mary thanking God for the unexpected news she received. As we look at the background of each woman’s story, we see each of them having suffered or about to suffer great sorrows, but their acts of thanksgiving are not affected. Hannah goes to great lengths to thank God by offering him the gift she received from him and the Blessed Mother sings the greatness of God amid the uncertainties looming ahead, with an unwavering trust in God’s faithfulness. Let us look at our lives; the prayers that were answered, the graces that are yet to be received and the blessings that have come about unexpectedly. Can we say ‘thank you Lord for all what you have done in my life’, even when the blessings seem to have stirred the waters around us? Are we able to trust God and sing his goodness with thankful hearts?

Prayer: Abba Father, may we remember what you have done and be thankful for what is yet to come. Amen.

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