Monday November 1
You too are called to be a Saint!
  • Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14
  • Psalm 24: 1-6
  • 1 John 3: 1-3
  • Matthew 5: 1-12

Today we celebrate and contemplate on the lives of the numerous saints who have been gifted to the Church from all walks of life. Their lives and sanctity reveal to us that holiness is not impossible. In Rev 7 the redeemed declare, “Who saves but our God who sits on the throne and the Lamb.” The Lord’s love and grace in their lives took them to the heights of spir- itual perfection. How do we define these saints? If we read our Lord’s Sermon on the mount , we see a certain kind of definition.

Our Lord says Blessed are the … and he mentions various kinds of people.. those who mourn, those who are gentle, those who hunger for justice, those who are merciful, those who are pure in heart, those for work for peace, those who are persecutet and those for are insulted. .. for the Kingdom of God. Our Lord says, their reward will be great in heaven. As much as we seek the intercession of saints, let us strive to learn from their life examples and live as they lived and our reward will be great in Heaven.

Prayer: Abba Father, we thank you for the fragrant lives of the saint and as you saved them, save us through the blood of your Son Jesus. Amen

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