Sunday July 23
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Be guided by the Spirit
  • Wisdom 12:13,16-19
  • Psalm 86:5-6, 9-10,15-16
  • Romans 8:26-27
  • Matthew 13:24-43

Today’s readings have a message for those who desire true wisdom, not that of this world but divine wisdom. We who have been baptised into Christ, have this wisdom stamped in our hearts, and this wisdom is a person, namely the Holy Spirit.

Today’s readings are yet another proof that all instructions we need to live this life in peace, joy and victory are found nowhere else other than in God’s Word. Yet, how often do we suffer simply because we do not know his Word and his ways. As I reflected on today’s First Reading, my mind went to the time of my children’s infancy, how their helplessness and absolute dependence on me as their mother made me soft and tender towards them.

My heart was big enough to smile at any mess they created, freeing them from being accountable for any action of theirs though I had power and authority over them. If I was that generous, how much more would God be, when he deals with us his children, and with the whole creation, knowing we are totally defenseless before him.
Today’s Gospel proclamation is related to the same principle, namely God’s sovereignty and mercy. He is powerful to act when he chooses, and that makes him mild and gentle, quick to forgive and slow to anger. As our Father, he invites us to do the same.

Yet, how often do we do just the opposite, being too quick to get angry and react, wielding power over those under our authority instead of giving mercy and forgiveness.
As was said in the parable of weeds, how often do we destroy the good in people, trying to correct them at the wrong time in the wrong man- ner. How many parents are suffering because they did not use this wisdom when they disciplined their young children. Along with their wrong ways they ended up destroying their personality and confidence as well.
We need to learn from the scriptures and not from the world. If we seek the Lord’s ways our actions will be more fruitful and we will not hurt others.

Let us repent and turn towards our Merciful Father, who takes us in his arms, the moment we take the first step towards him. Let us ask the Holy Spirit, to give us his Wisdom, so that we can be filled with his fruits: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Then we will be able to live our earthly life victoriously and not as victims of our circumstances.
Prayer: Abba Father, fill us anew with the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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