Sunday August 29
The word that can save us
  • Deuteronomy 4: 1-2, 6-8
  • Psalm 15: 2-5
  • James 1: 17-22,27
  • Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23

In the first reading today we find Moses advising the people of Israel to keep the commands that the Lord God is giving them. Specifically, they are told to observe the laws, ensuring that they do not add to the laws nor subtract from it. Our absolute obedience in the word of God without subtracting or adding to His spoken word for our own convenience is what makes us wise and understanding before those around us. In his letter, St. James tells us to humbly accept the word that has been planted within us, the word that can save us. I find this to be so timely for myself in this strange season we are all walking through. There are so many promises that God has given me about provision and protection. But despite claiming the word and even writing it down, I have not taken the time to accept the word or to let it be planted deep within. I look at my circumstances, I look at the world around me and I let that dictate how I understand or apply that word I have been given. I add, I subtract, I delete, I edit depending on my mood and the kind of day I am having. And then I wonder why I still feel so miserable and why His promises are yet to come true in this season.

St. James tells us not just to listen to the word but to do what it says. I am guilty of this. I listen to the word but often I do not step out in faith and do what I am asked to do. I allow my heart to be polluted by the world instead of keeping my heart, my affections, my trust completely anchored in God alone. The Pharisees and the teachers of the law were so preoccupied with the traditions and rituals – the external condition – to the neglect of the internal person. But Jesus rebukes them and explains that He is far more interested in the internal condition of a person than what seems to be going on externally. This is often such a good marker for me about where I am with God. Whenever I find myself being so preoccupied with my external condition then that is often an indication that I have veered off the course and am trying to make up for that internal unrest by trying to fix everything externally. But of course no matter how much I fix, something is often wrong and I end up frustrated, disappointed and angry. But here is God reminding me that it’s not what is on the outside that defiles but it is what comes from within. And He is inviting us to take time to sit at His feet with the mess that we might find ourselves in today and to allow Him inside our heart. He comes with His peace, He comes with His understanding, All that is required is for us to trust in that Word spoken to us and to trust Him. He is comfortable with my mess, my chaos, my humanness. All He wants is my heart – my complete heart.

Abba Father, help me to sit with You and to abide in You. Let the word that You spoke over me be planted deep inside. Amen.

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