Tuesday November 22
The Church is built on the blood of the martyrs
  • Revelation 14:14-19
  • Psalm 96:10-13
  • Luke 21:5-11

The book of Revelation was written during the height of the Roman persecution. Christians were persecuted severely and St. John the Apostle was imprisoned at Patmos. This was the time St. John received these revelations from God.

There is a saying that strengthens the Church: the Church is built on the blood of the martyrs. The true meaning of being a Christian was beautifully spoken through these revelations, which St. John received from God. The Gospel proclamation too is projected towards the end times. Eschatological awareness is brought forth in these readings to strengthen us who hold the baton in our hands at present. The Saint we honour today is St. Cecilia, virgin and martyr. She pledged her purity to God and remained a virgin and by her strong faith became a Christian martyr. When we go through challenges and persecution it may seem to us as the end of the world but surely it is not the end of our lives. We are eternal beings who enter the throne room of our Heavenly Father; this is our Christian hope.

Prayer: Abba Father, may we become worthy to enter heaven, which is our destiny. Amen.

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