Sunday 31st March 2024
Celebrating our life giving God
  • Acts 10:34,37-43
  • Psalm 118:1-2,16-17,22-23
  • Colossians 3:1-4
  • John 20:1-9

One of the longest services one can experience in the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar is that of the Easter Vigil Mass where nine readings are proclaimed. Each of the readings and psalms has a significance. Our salvation history is encapsulated from the beginning to the end. We start with the Creation story, and the Old Testament readings, continuing to the proclamation of the Resurrection from the Gospel, in the New Testament. The common theme is centered on the eternal relentlessness of God to save us from sin, so we can experience eternal glory. The Vigil readings highlight the salient points of our salvation.

The story of creation is a life giving story and it flows into a reading about the renewal of life. Abraham and Isaac’s story is about God’s provision. We also learn that God is our inheritance and his saving hand and deliverance are always at work. He is our glory and he will not forsake us. He waits for intimacy with us. The readings echo with the promise – Come to me that you may have life. When we come to him we will be able to draw water freely from the springs of salvation. But some have forsaken this fountain of wisdom.

His wisdom is the words of eternal life which he gives us. But his mercy is such that even if we forsake him he will sprinkle clean water upon us and cleanse us. He says “I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you”. When he does that we become like deer longing for streams of living water. When we experience the love of Jesus we see our unworthiness and cry out – Create in me a clean heart O God.

St Paul’s Epistle brings out the reality of who we are in Christ Jesus. He declares, “you too must think of yourselves as being dead to sin and living for God in Christ Jesus”. When we learn of our new life our response is – Give thanks because his love endures forever.

Often, we feel abandoned. We assume we have to put up a brave fight. We believe we must do everything on our own. But the Gospel proclamation tells us that the large stone had been rolled back. The faithful women and apostles assumed that the large stone would prevent them from seeing the Lord’s body. But they were met with three surprises; the large stone rolled away, an angel and our Lord’s rising. We can also be met with amazement in the most challenging moments in life. Where we are seeking death there is unexpected life and hope.

PRAYER: Abba Father, today is a day of new life and new hope. Our Lord is alive and we pray that he comes alive in our hearts. Amen.

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