Wednesday August 30
Twenty-first Week in Ordinary Time
Are we hypocrites?
  • 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13
  • Psalm 139:7-12
  • Matthew 23:27-32

In today’s Gospel proclamation, Jesus talks about the Pharisees. He bluntly calls them hypocrites. He likens them to “whitewashed tombs” which look beautiful but within the tombs are nothing but bones and filth. Let us place ourselves in the Pharisees’ shoes. How would we react if someone accused us of the depth of hypocrisy that Jesus was accusing the Pharisees of? The Pharisees appeared to be righteous. However, Jesus accuses them of being filled with hypocrisy and evil. We strive to look good and appreciated. We want to be competent, successful and happy. However, we also may try to hide the vulnerable and fearful sides of ourselves. We may try to hide what we consider our “bones and our filth”. Jesus knows that we also are hypocrites at times. And he knows that we want to look good and be successful.
Am I presenting myself as good and holy, when at times I am a hypocrite? Jesus does not expect us to be perfect, but that we be who we are and not pretend to be holier, happier or more satisfied than in reality we are.

Prayer: Abba Father, may we be authentic. Help us to believe and trust in you. Amen.

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