Sunday July 25
Give us this day our daily bread.
  • 2 Kings 4:42-44
  • Psalm 145:10-11, 15-18
  • Ephesians 4:1-6
  • John 6:1-15

Today’s readings could bring us to the realisation that God is our provider and Father. He is able to provide for us no matter what the circumstances. How do we respond in such situations?

In the story from the Second Book of Kings, the man who brought the twenty loaves of barley and wheat was wondering how it could be multiplied to feed a hundred hungry men. With the ongoing lockdown, mothers with children and relatives to look after are faced with the same dilemma. Do they have enough to last through this lockdown? The young children, as sweet as they may be, are like hungry lions raiding the refrigerators, eager to put something into their mouth. Often the children have no thought of tomorrow. But the home maker is wondering how he or she will come up with something for the day and the next day.

When questioned by the man who provided the loaves, it is said that Prophet Elisha insisted that he begin distributing the loaves among the men. When the man consented, the miracle unfolded. The same series of events unfolded when our Lord Jesus was faced with the challenge to feed 5000 people. It was not just a question of feeding them but the Lord would have also had to provide them with water. It is not mentioned but it goes without saying. Here again both Philip and Andrew gazing at what was in hand and the surging crowds, were rock solid sure that they would not be able to provide to such a big crowd.

Our Lord’s instructions were simple, ‘Make the people sit down,’ one cannot ask people to sit down without having a workable solution to meet their needs. Our Lord looked up to Heaven and thanked the Father for His provision and the miracle worked. Do we thank the Father for every meal provided or have we taken our meals for granted? In the Old Testament, one of the names attributed to God is Adonai Jireh, which means God my provider. Often, we assume that our efforts and strides have taken us to where we are. It reveals how blinded we are and limited to the earthly realm. Unknown and unseen to us, even the prayers of strangers may be the wind that is beneath our wings carrying us to destinations we would not have reached. The best response we can give the Father is a thankful heart. During these days, I also faced a bleak situation. I am not an excellent cook and I cannot create tasty food each day. But not only did friends provide me with food to stock in my refrigerator, also my neighbour has been serving me home cooked meals. God is able to provide. Let us thank Him.

Prayer: Abba Father, we pray for the grace to thank you for your ability to provide for us in all circumstances. Amen.

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