Saturday March 4
Happy are they who follow the law of the Lord
  • Deuteronomy 26:16-19
  • Psalm 119:1-2, 4- 5, 7-8
  • Matthew 5:43-48

Obeying the laws of a nation does not necessarily make people happy. What is so special about obeying the Law of the Lord? “The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul, his commands are the wisdom of the simple.” (Ps 19:7) Let us take this opportunity to reflect and see where our lives are headed. Do we freely and lovingly accept God’s lordship over our lives? That is to love him and trust in him totally. The love that is poured out on those who believe, is God’s love – divine, infinite and eternal. This is why we can go beyond our limited ways of loving when we believe in Jesus. By the power of the Holy Spirit we can love not only those who love us, but our enemies and even those who persecute us. Jesus taught “be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect”. This perfection is possible only when we are surrendered to the Lord, allowing his perfect love to transform us that we may become like him. He will reveal how we can love those in our families, churches, communities, neighbourhoods, and the world.

Prayer: Abba Father, take control of my life and transform me, that I may be perfect as you are perfect. Amen.

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