Wednesday December 20
Third Week of Advent
Advent is the season of the seed
  • Isaiah 7:10-14
  • Psalm 24:1-6
  • Luke 1:26-38

During this season, the church invites us to contemplate on the events of that extraordinary conception. We need to hear the Word speak of himself, to remember who we are called to be. Ann Voskamp a spiritual writer, says that the word ‘conceive’ is not passive but an active verb and its root in Latin means ‘to seize or take hold’. When grace conceives in us, we take hold of God. This is the beauty of what we believe. God reached out from his ineffable glory into the heart and flesh of humanity. In faith Mary relied on God when she said ‘yes’. This made her an integral part of the salvific mission. We are blessed to have Mary as a great model. She was humble in accepting her mission with complete trust and faith in God. Every day we have the opportunity to imitate Mary in her love for God, pondering on who he is and the marvelous promises he has given us. Let us allow the seed of God’s Word to be conceived in our hearts and live according to the purpose we have been called to.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for the gift of your Son, and for Mother Mary who continues to inspire us. Amen.

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