Thursday August 17
Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time
  • Joshua 3:7-11,13-17
  • Psalm 114:1-6
  • Matthew 18:21--19:1

In today’s Gospel Proclamation Jesus speaks to us of the importance of forgiving one another. The master in the parable of the unforgiving servant was so merciful to wipe out the debt of his servant who pleaded for forgive- ness, but the servant could not offer the same mercy and forgiveness to the person who owed him only a smaller amount. Often, this is our human nature wanting to retaliate and hurt the people who have wronged us. We want justice. When I feel hurt or find it hard to forgive, I gaze at the crucifix. What did Jesus do when he was falsely persecuted and condemned to death? He forgave those who hurt him and he is calling us to do the same. We must forgive just as we have been forgiven. In the first reading, the promise given to Joshua that God will be with him just as he was with Moses is the same assurance that he is giving us today. When God is with us, he will give us all the strength we need to forgive. If God is with us who can be against us?

Prayer: Abba Father, I ask for the grace to be merciful and forgiving towards those who have hurt me. Amen.

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