Monday June 21
When we judge others we do not have time to love them.
  • Genesis 12: 1-9
  • Ps 33: 12-22
  • Matt 7: 1-5

The first reading prompts us to envision the task Abram was assigned with. To let go of the land, his people, the known and step in to the unknown would have been challenging for Abram especially when he was seventy-five in age. As in Abraham’s case, when we also take a step in faith in response to God’s calling there are huge blessings that are in store for us. Abraham’s success is a shining example in this regard. In our lives we have experienced occasions when our faithful obedience had paid off with immense blessings. It is strange but true. Our service to God is never in vain. When we heed God’s voice and surrender our will to His, that it is the best decision we could possibly take. As God knows to bring the blessing not only to us but even generations to come, thus we could sincerely do so with confidence.

The Gospel proclamation stresses on the sin of judging others. As human beings no one has the right to judge. Yet, how often do we hear people judging and condemning others? We may know little of one’s story and we may not know what this person’s struggle and fight is about. The Lord knows the entire story therefore only He has the authority to judge. With our incorrect assessments and definitions we may misjudge and mistreat people in our self opinions and judgments. Yet, the good Lord is able to see what the human eye cannot see and His judgments are fair in all aspects. Therefore, let us be careful before we speak ill of others in our daily conversations. The measure we judge others or indulge in gossip and slander. This will be the scale for our life to be judged in the Lord’s eye. Therefore let us leave the judgment in the good Lord’s hand for he is the just judge. As Mother Theresa said “When we judge others we do not have time to love them’’. In a world much strained and stressed if we just keep loving without judging, what a difference we will make? Isn’t it time that empowered of the Holy Spirit we take the initiative to treat our neighbours and fellow beings without judgment and love them instead of judging.

Prayer: Abba Father, Give me a heart to mend my own weaknesses and try to love and understand others without being judgmental. Amen

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