Saturday November 26
God first loved us
  • Revelation 22:1-7
  • Psalm 95:1-7
  • Luke 21:34-36

Human beings are sensory beings. We often get torn between the Spiritual world and the material world. Our senses push us to gain the material world and the Spirit within us calls to seek the face of the Creator. In the first reading we are given a glimpse of the eternal world. We are called to be the trees planted besides the river.

The good news is that we need not wait until the end of our lives to enter this paradise. We are invited to enter this paradise while we are living in this world. We are called to heal this world and it is possible for us because God has loved us first and lavished his love upon us. What is expected of us is to be open and vigilant to this call and invitation of God. Today’s Gospel proclamation warns us about blindness to God’s call. When we become conscious solely of our worldly desires and are caught up, we could lose our experience of paradise that is spoken about in the first reading. We could fail in responding to God’s call positively. Let us be vigilant.

Prayer: Abba Father, become the centre of my life. Amen.

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