Sunday July 16
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
God sows in abundance
  • Isaiah 55:10-11
  • Psalm 65:10-14
  • Romans 8:18-23
  • Matthew 13:1-23

Today’s Gospel proclamation is about the Parable of the Sower. Without a doubt, most of us have read this particular passage of scripture, heard it being proclaimed and listened to the many interpretations of the parable over the years.

Our Lord unpacks the parable so clearly and precisely and there seems to be no room for any more addition. It is so evident that we should receive the seed, which is the Word of God, with an open, receptive heart for it to take root, grow and last. The more we open our hearts in eager yearning, the greater is the opportunity for the seed of the Word of God to produce rich fruits in our lives.
However, what attracts my heart today is not the seed or the condition that it requires to thrive but the Sower. I notice how ignorant and irresponsible he seems to be with the precious seeds, scattering them without giving any thoughts to where they might land.

Putting this into perspective, we see that the Sower is none other than the Lord Jesus himself and what we glimpse today is the nature of his generosity. He is so intent on giving the opportunity to anyone and everyone to hear his precious words, irrespective of the readiness on the receiving end. As we hear in today’s first reading, his word shall not return to him empty but shall accomplish its purpose on earth. In our lives, we have this amazing assurance that the words he has spoken over our lives will pro- duce fruits if we allow them to sink in.

St. Paul in his letter to the Romans speaks about the glory that is revealed to us; our redemption and our adoption as sons and daughters of the Most High. How privileged we are to be called children of God. We have received such a great calling therefore let us bear fruit.

The sufferings that we go through in this present life, the difficult circumstances we have to face, the never-ending troubles that crop up one after the other, financial difficulties, sickness, mental and physical agonies and the injustice of the world, whatever it may be, let us lift them up to the Father and ask him to speak his word over us.
Let us not allow the cares of the world to rob the joy of God’s word that is waiting to take root in our hearts. In a special way, let us remember the many promises our God has given us and believe that these words will bear fruit in our lives.

Prayer: Abba Father, may your Word spoken over our lives take root in our hearts and bear fruits in abundance. Amen.

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