Monday February 7
Divine presence among us
  • 1 Kings 8:1-7, 9-13
  • Psalm 13:6-10
  • Mark 6:53-56

Today’s Gospel proclamation describes how people were filled with faith in the Lord Jesus. They brought all who were in need to the Lord, and he healed everyone who was brought to him. In the first reading we hear about the bringing of the Ark of the covenant to Jerusalem. People in the Old Testament had to go up to Jerusalem to worship God, by the time of Jesus, those who recognized him as the Messiah were able to experience the Lord’s power even on the streets of Israel, no longer confined to the temple. How about us? How privileged are we, that we have access to the Lord from wherever we are. As Catholics we are blessed to have the Eucharistic presence of Jesus in our own neighbourhoods and cities. Do we make use of this opportunity? Do we consider it a blessing to have the Lord’s presence among us? Or do we take it for granted. Let us not forget the immense love of Jesus, who sacrificed himself and continues to live among us sacramentally in the Eucharist. Let us seek him wholeheartedly.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for your presence among us. Amen

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