Tuesday 12th January
The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, “What is this?
  • Heb 2:5-12
  • Ps 8:2-9
  • Mark 1:21-28

Many people are baffled by the concept of God. If we ask 10 people who God is for them, we are likely to get 10 different answers. This has been a question that has divided humanity for as long as we know.

Some see God as distant and far from humanity, controlling things from above. They are moti¬vated by the fear of God. Some cannot accept God because of the bad things that have happened in the world or because of what they have gone through in life and some keep God to satisfy their selfish motives. Some say they will believe it when they see it. Understandably, so many people have many different views about God as we are talking about the unseen.

If God exists, do we really think God will put us into such a dilemma that we live all our life’s trying to figure out who God is or if there is a God at all? This is the answer Jesus Christ brought with him when he stepped foot on this earth. God is not distant, he is not a tyrant putting fear in humanity. He cares about us, he hears our cry, he knows us by name. God is the author of our life. Because He cares, he sent his only son, Christ Jesus, to this earth, so that we may know God, so that we will understand this world bet¬ter, so that we know the purpose of our existence on earth. This is what our Lord Jesus demonstrated through his life on earth.

In today’s reading, we see the Lord Jesus driving out an impure spirit from a man and setting him free from captivity. He speaks with au¬thority and people are amazed at what they hear. This Jesus Christ is alive and present today just as he was 2000 years ago. He still performs miracles and signs for people to see and he still enters into people’s lives and transforms them. But our Lord Jesus never forces himself on anyone. Human beings have the free will to choose what they want but unfortunately, our choices have consequences too. However, if we want to know the truth about God we only need to humble ourselves and ask God the question if He is real? Then he will reveal himself to us in the person of Jesus Christ and that is when a person knows without a doubt that God is real and God is alive.

Prayer: Abba Father, we pray that you open our eyes to see you, open our hearts to know you and experience your love. Amen

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