Tuesday October 4
Sit at the feet of the Master.
  • Galatians 1:13-24
  • Psalm 139:1-3, 13-15
  • Luke 10:38-42

In this age of information and technology, we see amazing advancements in science like we have never seen before. It is easy to get distracted by many things. We can find anything and everything we want at the click of a button on the Internet. We need to ask ourselves the question, how much of this is actually needed for us? There is little point in any of it, if we do not know how to discern what is right and what is wrong. Not every human being is the same, each person is unique. God came to the earth as one of us so that we may have a relationship with him. We build this relationship and intimacy with Jesus through prayer and contemplation and it is through prayer that everything else in life flows. What do I choose when I have many options at my hand? This beautiful passage about Martha and Mary explains this. We should work hard but if we do not first sit at the feet of Jesus and learn to listen to his voice then all our labour is in vain. We become peaceful and bear much fruit when we find time to sit at his feet.

Prayer: Abba Father, give us the grace to sit at your feet, to hear your voice and to be guided by your love in what we do. Amen.

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