Wednesday April 20
Faith and revelation
  • Acts 3:1-10
  • Psalm 105:1-4,6-9
  • Luke 24:13-35

Today’s first reading shows Peter and John’s faith that empowered them to heal the lame man, demonstrating God’s power to those present. The Gospel proclamation tells us of two travellers, leaving Jerusalem, saddened about the crucifixion, perplexed about reports of the resurrection, and dis- appointed about the fact that their expectations of the Messiah setting Israel free were not met. After instructing them about His mission, our Lord Jesus Christ reveals himself to them and they return to Jerusalem to testify about their encounter with Jesus. We too can be saddened, perplexed and disappointed when things do not turn out the way we hope, like the travellers and the followers of Jesus after the crucifixion. Like the travellers, if we listen carefully to the teachings of Jesus and invite Him into our lives with faith, He will reveal Himself to us too, as He did to the lame man at the temple gate, to the travellers, to the women who saw the empty tomb and were told by the angel that He had risen, and to the apostles.

Prayer: Abba Father, help us to understand your will and give us the faith to accept it in our lives. Amen.

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