Sunday August 15
“Mary, did you know; this Child you delivered will deliver you?”
  • Revelation 11: 19, 12: 1-6,10
  • Psalm 45: 10-16
  • 1 Corinthians 15: 20-27
  • Luke 1: 39-56

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (proclaimed dogma in 1950 by Pope Pius XII).

The Arc of the Covenant in heaven was on earth in a small village called Nazareth. The Arc of the Covenant – dwelling of God through the Exodus lived her childhood in the Temple of Jerusalem. The woman mentioned in Genesis (3:15) is shown clothed with the sun in the first proclamation today.

Death came through one man (Adam). Death was defeated and resurrection came through one man (New Adam – Christ Jesus). This is the promise which God gave in Genesis (3:15) that He would defeat death and Salvation would be granted to the fallen human race. ‘Her offspring’ defeated death.

God took His dwelling in the womb of the ‘woman’. His presence was evident in the Gospel proclamation. The child in the womb of Elizabeth leapt out of the joy of experiencing the presence of the living God in the woman who visited them. God’s dwelling place cannot rot. Therefore, the Blessed Mother was taken bodily to the heavens. God and humans became one in the Blessed Mother.

While she was on earth, she always presented herself as the most exe- plerary disciple of the Lord. Her assumption into heaven was not just due to the fact that she was the Mother of our Lord but the life she led. Mother Mary has taught us to yes to God even in moments when we cannot understand God’s plan and ways. Today people want reasons to believe. They need to understand why and what and the reasons for everything.

They require proper logic and even sometimes a word confirmation to accept anything. The Blessed Mother was given a glorious promise of her Son being the Son of God, but she was also told that her heart would be pierced.

At the foot of the cross, she would have cried and looked up to Heaven, but she also embraced the cross and shared in our Lord’s passion being unafraid and not fearing the powers that were in control. As she assumed into Heaven, she has also assumed into our hearts where we carry a love for her and her protection in all we do.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for the gift of a Heavenly Mother. Amen.

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