Wednesday December 01
Seeking the Kingdom

Those who met Jesus were either attracted by his love and amazing power or they were deterred by his claim to holiness. Jesus’ miracles confirmed the magnitude of his mercy. When Jesus confronted the disciples with the task of feeding four thousand people, they said: Where in this remote place can anyone get enough bread to feed them? The Israelites were challenged with the same dilemma when they fled Egypt and found themselves in a wilderness. Jesus himself provides bread for the hungry crowd who came to seek him. The Gospel says that all were content and they took up what was leftover. Are we content with God’s provision?

In the Gospel we see a sign and a symbol of what God always does. From the meal, the leftovers were more than seven times the amount they began with. When God gives, he gives until we are pleased; more than we need. He nurtures us with his word and with the bread of heaven. In the kingdom of heaven God will feast us at his dinner table. Do we hunger for God and his kingdom?

Prayer: Abba Father, may I desire your kingdom and find joy in your presence. Amen.

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