Tuesday April 4
A new beginning
  • Isaiah 49:1-6
  • Psalm 71:1-6,15,17
  • John 13:21-33,36-38

Today’s Gospel proclamation talks about the betrayal of Jesus. Judas listened to Jesus and witnessed many miracles. Though Judas accompanied Jesus in his mission his heart was not in it. He was later used by Satan to betray our Lord. Satan entered into Judas enabling him to carry out his betrayal. We may go for many services but our hearts remain closed. If Judas had believed that Jesus loved him despite all his weaknesses he would not have taken his life. We follow many rituals but remain unchanged. We carry hatred, regret, addictions, envy and malice in our hearts. We need to surrender our lives to the Lord. He will give a new life and a new beginning no matter how great our sins might have been. St. Peter believed in the love and forgiveness of the Lord. Though he denied Jesus, his conversion led him to be the leader of the apostles who carried the Gospel message to the world. Judas could not believe in this forgiveness and died. The Lord has placed life and death before us, what are we going to choose?

Prayer: Abba Father, help me to open my heart to you. Amen.

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