Saturday January 14
We are the salt and the light of the world
  • Hebrews 4:12-16
  • Psalm 19:8-10,15
  • Mark 2:13-17

Today’s Gospel proclamation is challenging us, as Jesus opts to dine with sinners. In society we often opt to mingle and spend time with the well behaved and good reputed people. However Jesus does something contrary in this regard. He chooses to be found and to be seen with people who are discarded and tarnished in character. Let us think about how many such occasions we have avoided because we were worried about the world’s view and opinion about us? As Jesus tells us, it is the sick who need the doctor not the healthy. Therefore this righteousness that we have received has a healing effect on those we encounter. The Lord’s fragrance could be felt through a believer who is willing to go and seek the lost in prisons, bars or the streets at night. Are we bold enough to carry the light of Christ to the darkest places? Or do we feel embarrassed to find ourselves with the lost and the broken? Let us fulfil the mission of Christ, for when we go to the sinners we will not become like them, but they will become like us.

Prayer: Abba Father, transform the world through your children who carry your light to the world. Amen.

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