Thursday September 29
The heavens opened as the angels ascended and descended!
  • Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14
  • Psalm 138:1-5
  • John 1:47-51

Today is the feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael the Archangels. Saint Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she was chosen to bear the son of God. Saint Michael is the archangel who led the heavenly battle. Saint Raphael was summoned for difficult problems; Tobit and Sarah encountered him. Daniel the prophet beautifully portrays his vision of heaven in a dream, a transcendental moment: seeing the Son of man receiving dominion, glory, and kingship. In St John’s Gospel we see the encounter of Nathaniel a man of prayer, with Jesus. Jesus promises him the opened heavens, he will see the angels ascending and descending upon the son of God. Let us open our hearts to the revelation of Jesus, then a fire will begin to burn in us for our Saviour. Our desire to know him will burn even more brightly, eventually consuming us so that heaven will open for us. When we seek him with all our hearts in total surrender, heaven opens for us and we receive a transcendental experience of his holy presence.

Prayer: Abba Father, open the eyes of my heart so that I may see you in all your glory. Amen.

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