Monday November 29
Growing in Faith
  • Isaiah 2:1-5
  • Psalm 122:1-9
  • Matthew 8:5-11

How wonderful to possess faith that could astonish the Messiah? The faith of the centurion, is a fresh reminder of how much faith we leave unexercised. The centurion’s example is simple. He first understands the Lord’s authority. Despite the power he held in his position, he recognizes his unworthiness before Christ, and understands that however great he may be, Christ is infinitely greater. Secondly, he trusts in power of the spoken word of God. The centurion does not rely on the seen but believes that if only the master speaks the word, healing shall flow. For him, the confirmation of the healing is not in seeing the dying servant restored but is in knowing that Jesus has spoken the word. His open and limitless faith makes way for the glory of God to be magnified. We serve a God who reigns exalted above “the highest of mountains”, to whom “nations will stream”, and before whom every power and circumstance bow down. In the presence of such power & authority, can’t we too then, pursue an astonishing faith?

Prayer: Abba Father, we desire to walk in the light of your glory. May you always be magnified through us. Amen

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