Friday March 4
Fasting and surrendering to God
  • Isaiah 58:1-9
  • Psalm 51:3-6,18-19
  • Matthew 9:14-15

As we reflect upon His Word, the Lord reminds us today of joyful fasting. Often we think about fasting from food, but there are many other forms of fasting. We may choose to fast from using social media for a few hours everyday, or we may choose to spend time speaking to a lonely friend rath- er than gossipping about someone. Abba Father is giving us a personal invitation to fast from our own will and surrender our actions to the Lord. By surrendering we create a space for God in our hearts.

With his presence in us, the miracles manifest, darkness is dispelled, sickness gives way to health. We are invited to search our hearts. In this time of pandemic have we taken time to help our brother/sister in their hour of need? Instead of battering those who made unhealthy choices, can we approach them with empathy and love? Let us offer our heart-felt prayer to the Lord! Let us ask for his light to shine on those areas in our lives that we could offer as a sacrifice pleasing to God; “a humble and contrite heart, He will not spurn!”
Prayer: Abba Father, may I be more loving towards my brothers and sisters. Amen.

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