Monday September 20
You are a Beacon of Light
  • Ezra 1: 1-6
  • Psalm 126: 1-6
  • Luke 8: 16-18

Today’s Gospel narration speaks to us about “light” an essential element for human existence. Lord Jesus Christ in his “I am “statements mentioned, “I am the light of the world”- John 8: 12. We followers of the Lord Jesus Christ naturally become bearers of light and we tend to radiate this light in to the world. Thus, as the Gospel explains, this light cannot   be hidden or covered, it is meant to shine before everyone. People must see the light we are shedding and be attracted to the Lord, through us. The Lord who is the source of light and holiness dwell in us and makes us a channel of God’s love, light and holiness in the world. Therefore we have the capacity to illuminate the darkness around us. Today let us ask ourselves if we have used this God given power and light bestowed upon us to brighten the dull places, surroundings and incidents in our life. Let us be mindful to radiate this light wherever we are placed in Life.

Prayer: Abba Father, let your light shine brightly on me, so that I could be a beacon of light in the world. Amen

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