Monday December 20
You are the potter, we are the clay.
  • Isaiah 7:10-14
  • Psalm 24:1-6
  • Luke 1:26-38

“Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” These words are utterly self-giving, the creature submitting completely at the feet of her Master and Creator, accepting that her destiny lies in the hand of her Lord. These words, spoken by Mother Mary, uniquely show the beauty of her life, her willingness to be molded like clay in every situation and circumstance. Ultimately God raises her to be the Queen of heaven. As I look at my own life, there have been times when I have submitted willingly in God’s hands to be molded by him, as he saw fit, and I have seen the abundant graces he has poured upon those situations. But there have also been other circumstances where I have not been so willing to obey him, and have suffered the consequences of this disobedience. As our hearts yearn in this season of advent for “Emmanuel”, for God with us, let us cry out to God for his grace to be more malleable in his hands.

Prayer: Come Lord Jesus, and free us from the darkness of sin. Amen.

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