Wednesday 24th February
Down on Our Knees, how we learn to walk
  • Jonah 3: 1-10
  • Ps 51:3-4, 12-19
  • Ps 51:3-4, 12-19

Today’s reading portrays God’s steadfast love to his creation, his people, for us. He is none other than a God who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger. He is a God who reaches out to his creation, to elevate, and to correct their paths.

Today’s first reading illustrates what took place in Nineveh. We can see how Jonah takes the message of God to Nineveh. Instead of reflecting on Jonas message,

instead of looking in for signs or questioning or reasoning or rationalizing Jonas words, Nineveh accepted and believed in the message proclaimed by Jonah. The Word says that “Nineveh Believed in God”. They abandoned their sinful ways, went down on their knees and prayed with all their might and strength, and fixing their gaze on the Lord they repented. We can see the Lord heard them, reversed their punishment and forgave them.

Nevertheless, in the second reading in Book of Luke we see the crowds looking and seeking for signs.

Today in our lives too we often look for signs and explanations and reasoning instead of believing in the Lord. When we come to a crisis in our lives instead of fixing our gaze on the Lord and going down on our knees, we question God. We look for logical rational reasoning and we resort to logical things or rational things. Instead of repenting and fixing our gaze on the Lord we look for meaning, purpose and often try to interpret things according to our limited human ways, without realizing and understanding that his ways are higher than our ways, and his plans are higher than our plans.

Reflecting on today’s readings we understand and realise that what we need to do is to fix our gaze on him, go down on our knees and yearn for him. When we choose to do this something amazing and beautiful take place. As we can see what took place in Nineveh. Once we choose to look at the face of the Lord. This Lord who is full of mercy, transforms our lives and situations. He takes our sinful weak cursed lives and situations and transforms them into a blessing.

Prayer: Abba Father, lead me to get down on my knees that I may experience your saving power and transforming love. Amen

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