Thursday June 16
Praying meaningfully
  • Sirach 48:1-14
  • Psalm 97:1-7
  • Matthew 6:7-15

We know many prayers. We pray many prayer formulas mostly pleading for some need. Today let us focus on the prayer that Jesus himself taught the disciples: “the Lord’s prayer”. In this prayer Jesus teaches us how to ad- dress our Heavenly Father. God is not only my Father, but he is the Father of all, hence we pray ‘Our Father in heaven.’ Jesus is also teaching us how we can draw the power of heaven to earth through prayer. “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven”. When we pray let us not babble but focus our attention on each word. We need to draw the heavenly power down to where we live. In our struggles we need to surrender to the will of the Father, as Jesus always did the will of the Father even unto death. The first reading shows the power of God acting on this earth through one man: Elijah. Are we caught up in what is happening around us, are we struggling with no answers and feel powerless and worried? Let us pray and draw blessings from heaven, upon our nation and the world. 

Prayer: Abba Father, increase our faith to experience the power of prayer more and more in our lives. Amen. 

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