Saturday November 19
Your presence is heaven to me
  • Revelation 11:4-12
  • Psalm 144:1-2,9-10
  • Luke 20:27-40

In today’s Gospel proclamation our Lord Jesus shows how we can engage with him in a simple and constant conversation. We see some Sadducees asking Jesus an important question about heaven. Jesus teaches us that once we are in heaven, things will be considerably different than they are here on earth. This is a beautiful example how we can converse with Christ.

We simply need to ask him questions: questions about our faith, about difficulties we may be having with certain relationships or about career changes. The answers we receive may not be what we were expecting or hoping for, but what is important is that we engage Jesus in our every day conversations and that we seek to please him in everything we do. This open, warm contact with our Lord is already a little taste of heaven. Let us resolve today that we will converse with the Lord and bring to him our doubts, queries and concerns so that he truly becomes alive to us and his presence will remove all the obstacles for us to live as children of the resurrection.

Prayer: Abba Father, may I know your heart and enjoy your fellowship, which is a foretaste of heaven. Amen.

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