Tuesday March 16th
Rise, take up your mat and walk
  • Ezek 47: 1-9,12
  • Ps 46: 2-9
  • John 5: 1-16

A marvelous river, flowing out from under the Temple, is a manifestation of the blessings conferred on the land by the Lord’s return to live among his people. It is linked with the healing of the man who was waiting for the waters of the “Sheep Pool” to move.

Water is the predominant feature of the first reading, the responsorial psalm, and the Gospel proclamation also. In these readings, water is portrayed as healing and the source of all life. In the first reading from the book of the Prophet Ezekiel, the water is portrayed as majestic, fresh and life-giving as it flowed out from underneath the temple. The Jews believed that the temple is where God dwells and all life on earth flows from this source.

Our Lord Jesus healed a cripple by the Pool of Bethesda. When the Lord Jesus came into the temple, he saw this man lying on the floor. He could tell from the man’s debilitated appearance that he had been ill for many years. The Lord Jesus quietly walked over to the man and asked him a simple but very powerful question: “Do you want to be well?”

Our Lord Jesus listened intently to the man. Then He powerfully tells the man to stand up, take up his mat and walk. The Lord does not do a dramatic healing. Rather he quietly and lovingly speaks to the man.
All it takes is for this sick man to reveal his weakness to Jesus when he asked him a question – and he does so with detail, like a true confession: how he has attempted to enter the pool, how as he has tried, someone else has beaten him to it. Perhaps without this detailed account of his failure, he might not have been cured. The sick man admitting both his personal weakness and desire to plunge into the pool move Jesus to compassion. This is the remedy to our issues: presenting ourselves to Christ as we truly are, with of our weakness, and thus receiving his compassion.

Prayer: Abba Father, give me the grace to claim my healing and restoration in humility and simple trust in your word. Amen.

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