Wednesday March 2
God the Father will reward you

The Lord is telling us, “return to me with your whole heart;” with fasting and prayer. We have been blessed to begin another season of Lent, another period of grace for us to repent of our sins and to return to the Lord. As we begin this season of Lent, ash is placed on our heads and we are reminded that everything is temporary. We came from the Lord and we shall one day return to him. In our short time on earth, we are invited to be merciful towards our brothers and sisters. When we fast, we do not do so, to save money. Instead we can try to use that money to do an act of charity for another person. It is important that our good deeds remain hidden. We should not parade our good deeds. Often we see people donating money or goods and then posting photos on social media to become popular. That is not the Christian way. Seeing our good deeds, it is our Heavenly Father who will reward us. God sees everything. He knows the very thoughts of our hearts. Let us be sincere, merciful and loving.

Prayer: Abba Father, may I draw closer to you and become merciful to others. Amen

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