Tuesday April 11
Be attentive and listen
  • Acts 2:36-41
  • Psalm 33:4-5,18-20,22
  • John 20:11-18

In today’s first reading we see how St. Peter invited the people to repent and be baptised. We need to turn from our sins in answer to the Gospel. Baptism is the outward sign that we have died to our old nature and risen to new life in him; a simple step of faith accepting that he is the Lord of all. As we take this step of repentance, he meets us with forgiveness and the Holy Spirit. Our sins are washed away by the blood of Christ because of God’s grace. Because we are weak and incapable to live God’s way in our own human strength, he places his Spirit in us. Our choice to follow Jesus starts a new life, a gift from God. Today’s Gospel proclamation speaks to us about Mary waiting outside Jesus’ tomb. How often have we gone looking for Jesus? When we face difficult moments, we also have been desperate to find Jesus and experience his presence. At times, life is more than we can handle on our own. Jesus will call us by name and wait for us to reply. Will our minds and hearts be open to hear Jesus’ call?

Prayer: Abba Father, I will strive to keep my heart alert and my ears open. Amen.

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